Fidel Flores Cáceres

Computational Media Student at Georgia Tech

BuzzFair CS

This project is a two-semester Junior Design capstone course that includes a technical communication and computer science component. Over the Summer 2019 semester my team, officially named The Avengers, developed a software solution to a problem for our client Christen Steele, director of Computing Career Services at Georgia Tech.

The semester culminates in the developement of a prototype and its demonstration in a formal presentation that we video recorded for our final deliverable. Other deliverables that were included: project vision statement, user stories, and a usability/design support document. In many of these deliverables, we integrated written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal (WOVEN) rhetorical skills for various audiences, purposes, and contexts applicable to our professional experiences in the work place.

The following document was our final User Experience report explaining our solution to the client's problem. In the report, we introduce the problem, explain our prototype, our methods, our findings from heuristic evaluation and our recomendations, our revised prototype.

In addition to our final report, we also recorded our experience throughout the semester and made a video showcasing all of our work.

Github Repo
Web Application